A fictional play, Fever, came close to meeting its fundraising goal. The purpose of this analysis is to determine how Kickstarter campaigns in the theater and play category performed in relation to their launch dates and funding goals. The data was pulled from Kickstarter for the years 2009 - 2017.
The top three months to launch where total successful outcomes are highest for the theater and play category are May, June, and July. A possible explanation for this is that school summer break starts near the end of May and beginning of June. During this time, people tend to have more time and are able to research these campaigns and give more money to them.
Graph created in excel from a pivot table.
Also, there were more successful outcomes when goals were kept below $5,000. The goals in this range had an approximate 70% success rate. There is a slow decline until the $30,000 - $45,000 range where the success rate increases to approximately 67% before dropping off to under 10%. The success up to $5,000 could be attributed to the fact that it is a lower amount in general, therefore it is easier to attain.
Graph created in excel from a pivot table.
Based on the available data, for the play to have the best chance at a successful outcome, it should be launched in May with a goal up to $5,000. However, if it will be a larger production, a goal between $30,000 - $45,000 may also succeed. There was a limitation with this dataset due to there not being many data points for this specific category. The recommendation would be better with more data.
For a zip file containing this spreadsheet and further analysis please see my GitHub page: https://github.com/two-suns/kickstarter-analysis . Please contact me with any questions or concerns. If you liked this please connect with me on LinkedIn, thank you.